Friday Roundup: How Not To Promote Your DJ Event

Joey Santos
Read time: < 1 min
Last updated 6 November, 2017

Empty club
Thinking of promoting your own DJ event? If you don’t want it to turn out this way, better read the lead article in today’s Friday Roundup…

In this week’s Friday Roundup, check out how you’re not supposed to promote a club night, learn why running your mixes in the red always makes them sound like garbage (no exceptions!), and find out why you may need more than one DJ persona. All these and more in our roundup of the best DJ news and features from around the web. Have a great weekend ahead!

  1. Promoters We Love To Hate – Any of these annoying promoters types ring a bell? Check out these characters from this post courtesy of YourEDM Read more
  2. Only Amateurs Run Red – Wise DJs know louder isn’t always better. Find out exactly why in this blog post by DJ Conquest Read more
  3. EDM Is The New Black(jack) – As dance music continues to make even more money in 2014, has EDM become the de facto Vegas staple? Superclub Hakkasan thinks so in this feature by The Guardian Read more
  4. Are You A Two-Faced DJ? – Having a DJ alter ego helps you expand your creativity and avoid expectations, as Crossfadr points out Read more
  5. SoundCloud Exodus Ideas – As the streaming service continues taking down DJ sets, here are six safe havens from our friends at DJ Techtools. Let my mixes go! Read more
  6. Effective Industry Schmoozing – Get out and get noticed with these networking tips from Music Think Tank Read more

Want to talk about any of these articles? How exactly are you supposed to properly promote a club night? How many DJ alter egos do you have? Feel free to comment below!

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