What’s The Silliest DJing Question You Ever Wanted Answering?

Phil Morse | Founder & Tutor
Read time: < 1 min
Last updated 16 November, 2017

question mark with speech bubles, vector on the abstract background
Help us to write the pages you want to read. by telling us the kinds of digital DJing questions you want answers to. Nothing is too simple or ‘silly’, nothing too basic.

Today I’d like you to think back right to when you started DJing digitally. Or even better, maybe you are still thinking about starting to DJ with digital gear, or you’ve literally just started to learn to DJ.

My question is: What was, or is, the biggest thing on your mind about digital DJing that you can’t find the answer to? What is stopping you getting going because you’re not sure about it? What’s frustrating you because you can’t get your head around it, yet it seems like everyone else knows it? In short, what’s the (seemingly) silliest question you need an answer to?

Why we’re asking…

This website wants to be your guide, whether you’re a complete beginner or already starting to get gigs and make a bit of money from all of this, and the answers you can give us to this question will help us to do our job better.

So please help us: Reply below. Remember, no question too silly. Everyone starts somewhere. If you asked or thought it, you can guarantee thousands others feel exactly the same way. And we want to help.

Please post the “silly” questions that did, or still do, worry you or that you can’t find any answers to easily, below. We’ll make sure we work to answering all of them in our output as soon as we can.

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