DJ Tips & Tricks: How To Transfer Your DJ Library From One DJ App To Another

Joey Santos
Read time: < 1 min
Last updated 24 February, 2019

Back when digital DJing was relatively new, the only way that you could migrate your DJ music collection from one software to another (eg from Traktor to Serato) was by manually transferring your songs and playlists. This was time consuming but doable, though what gets lost in that transfer includes software-specific data such as hot cues, beatgrids and other metadata.

That meant you’d have to analyse all your tracks again in the new DJ software, plus you had to add your hot cues to each song one by one. I used to spend entire weekends just transferring my music and playlists, hot cue consistency be damned!

These days, you can do that in minutes: I show you two third-party apps that DJs are using to make jumping from one DJ software to another quick, easy and painless.

Watch this on YouTube.

What DJ apps have you used in your digital DJ career? If you’ve migrated platforms at least once, how did you do it? Did you use any apps like the ones we mentioned? Let us know below.

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