Your Questions: Will My Entry-level Kit Sound Rubbish in a Large Venue?

Phil Morse | Founder & Tutor
Read time: 2 mins
Last updated 1 December, 2017

While getting on a bit now, the budget Behringer BCD-2000 is fine for DJing in public on.
While getting on a bit now, the budget Behringer BCD-2000 is fine for DJing in public on.

Reader Grafton K Palmer writes: “I’m a beginner DJ and I’m using a Behringer BCD2000. This hardware has been used in a bar once or twice and has sounded quite poor although I wasn’t manning the controls (someone else was using it), but at the same time the bar PA was pretty rubbish. This device is fine for recording straight to wav, but the quality of the sound that comes out of it while live is not perfect from what I’ve witnessed.”

“I’m not a professional DJ and know little about sound systems and much of what I’ve read [in the comments of the Digital DJ Tips post DJing in Nightclubs with Controllers and Laptops] has put me right off doing my first gig with it. It’s only entry-level equipment and I’m now worried that it’ll sound rubbish in a large venue. Wish I hadn’t read the above, but it’s still good to know!”

Digital DJ Tips says:

Grafton, first things first – don’t be put off. You can DJ perfectly well with your kit in any venue. Digital DJing means nobody has to be a professional any more- you just have to have the feel for playing great records to a crowd. That’s one of the things that’s so good about it!

So, the things to remember are:

1 Use good quality music files that you’ve listened to critically. Don’t rip from You Tube or other sub-optimal sources and expect them to sound good. WAVs are nice, but MP3s are fine. 256kbps or 320kbps is optimal – I am personally happy playing 192kbps MP3s that I am sure sound good, but try not to go lower than that. And listen to them first – a high kbps is no guarantee it will sound any good. However, once you have listened, trust your ears and stop worrying.

2. Read 7 Easy Ways To Sound Better Than Other DJs. Read the comments at the end from readers, too – there’s some great advice there.

3. Try and have a soundcheck in the venue before anyone’s there – maybe even a week or two before. Then you’ll have time to address any concerns. That also means you’ll have time to come back here and ask us to help if need be. 🙂

Finally, nobody plays a perfect gig, ever. That’s fine. DJing is not life-critical stuff – it’s just playing records to a load of people who are drinking, partying, trying to cop off, having a laugh with their mates… and maybe even paying attention to the tunes every now and then if you’re lucky.

The harsh truth is that even dancers don’t know or really care what they’re dancing to half the time. So don’t get so hung up about your part in what I’m sure will be a great evening that you don’t enjoy it. Have fun and your crowd will have fun with you!

Have you DJed using a Behringer BCD-2000 in public? Have you got any words of encouragement for Grafton? Let us know in the comments.

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