Missed Our Free DJ Coaching Session? Catch Up Here…

Phil Morse | Founder & Tutor
Read time: < 1 min
Last updated 6 April, 2018

Rock the dancefloor
Catch up on over an hour of DJ coaching that I presented as part of the Rock the Dancefloor book launch last week, for free…

To celebrate the launch of my new book, Rock The Dancefloor!, I recently held a free live coaching session with several hundred of our readers and students who had bought the book on its first day of release, as a way of thanking them.

The response to the webinar was so great, and we had so many people asking if they could see a recording (because either they missed it or they didn’t know it was even going on), that I’ve decided to put the recording live on the site – you can view it below….

Watch the webinar


rtd-3d“Rock The Dancefloor!” is already an international best seller, having gone to number one in the US and the UK in the dance and music categories on Amazon, where it is still riding high.

It is a book designed to take absolute beginner DJs, bedroom DJs, semi-pros, those new to digital and even producers wanting to learn the game simply, clearly and effectively through my five-part system for learning to spin.

Rock The Dancefloor! is available in all good bookstores, and can of course be bought from Amazon as a paperback or in its Kindle version.

Have you bought the book? Did you attend the webinar, or have you watched the recording? Let us know what you thought of either in the comments below…

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